”Hi, my name is…“

descriptionSeminar report, academic presentation, elevator pitch, assessment center – giving a successful and convincing presentation (about a topic or oneself) is a key skill needed constantly in educational and professional settings. This already difficult and demanding task can become even more challenging when done in a foreign language. The workshop wants to help students expand, improve and practice their presentations skills in English by taking a look at success factors of presentations and how to adapt them to Anglophone settings and audiences. Furthermore, we will deal with specific characteristics of Anglophone cultures and the English language and how they influence the presentation. In several exercises, participants will also be able to practice speaking in front of other people…in English.
  • Success factors of presentations: content and style, form and function, visual aids
  • From beginning to end: arouse interest, motivate and convince
  • Specific characteristics of English presentations and Anglophone audiences
  • English language: helpful phrases, stylistic devices, principles and obstacles
  • Practical exercises on how to present in English
    (please note: this will not be a language or grammar course)
InstructorThomas Kording (M.A.); majored in Communication Research with a minor in American Studies; works as a student advisor and lecturer for international students
No. of participants:12
DateThursday, April 2th 2020, 9:00-16:00 and
Friday, April 3th, 2020, 9:00-15:00